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Day 2: He Is Calling You Deeper

G. Wesley Cone

As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul longs after You, O God. Psalm 42:1

Lord, take us deeper in you. We thirst only for you Lord. Satisfy us Lord with your Spirit, and cause us to flow in you.

God is Drawing You to Himself 

He has more for you than you currently know, and He wants to take us into the deeper places of intimacy with Him. His voice is an invitation, calling you. We so often settle for the shallowness of life, allowing Him to come along for the ride, but He beckons us to plunge head first into all of who He is. Access to He who is eternal life. (Ezekiel 47:3-5)

He Has Deeper Things For You

God has good things as we press in deeper.Treasures of glory and insurmountable beauty. There are various parts of Him that we all need to press into more deeply. Not that He is divided but that He is a big God. We press into His holiness, His power, His Might, His promises. He is not simply a God of the invisible, but He is tangible and wants to be known by us. (1 Corinthians 2:9-10)

Moving in His Depths Requires Unparalleled Yieldedness

So many of us look at adventure as scary and perilous, yet God tells us to take courage and follow Him. There is a submission to His perfect goodness and authority that requires trust beyond measure. We must be willing to give up control and move where He is calling us. The depths of His heart are not understood by those who stay in the shallows. No, He is calling us into a place of relationship. That is the only place where we truly get to know Him, are truly known by Him, and can really see Him move. Identity, meaning, and purpose are found in one place. In the secret place of His intimacy, He shares His treasure with us. (Proverbs 3:5-6; Matthew 14:29; Psalm 63:8)

Lord, I only want you. I want more of you. Reveal to me the deeper things of you. Make me holy as you are holy, and cause me to walk in your glory and righteousness. Gild me with the power of your Spirit and cause me to be known by you. Come Holy Spirit.

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