Truly I tell you, this poor widow has put more than all the others into the treasury. For they all contributed out of their surplus, but she out of her poverty has put in all she had to live on.”
-Mark 12:43b-44
Lord, I know you see what I bring. If it be all I have, see it, and know my heart. If I have yet more to give, give me eyes to see. I lay down my life as a living sacrifice.
Obedience Over Sacrifice
How often do we think our sacrifices cover our sins. How often do we think our sacrifices make us good people. But, God desires obedience over sacrifice. Sacrifice without truly making Jesus Lord is no sacrifice at all. When, we act in obedience, that is when He looks upon us with favor. To declare Jesus as Lord must not stop at lip service. A verbal commitment must lead to a lifelong commitment to obedience and transformation. (1 Samuel 15:22; John 14:15)
But, Sacrifice Nonetheless
Ah, but obedience is the greatest sacrifice. To lay it all down for Him. To give everything as the poor widow does in Mark 12, that is true sacrifice. Does this mean we ought put our entire bank accounts into the offering plate? That’s not what I’m saying, but to give from excess is truly different than to give out of need. And, the Lord sees the sacrifice and the heart behind it all. He sees us as we lay down that which is most dear to us, just as He did with that poor widow. (Mark 12:41)
A Living Sacrifice
No, it is not the object we bring. The tangible is merely a symbol. But, we ought to lay down our very lives. Everything we have, everything we are ought to be the Lord’s to do with as He wills. We ought to be yielded to Him in all that we do. It is in that place where our obedience is our sacrifice, and we adopt the heart of that poor widow, giving God all that we are. (Romans 12:1; 2 Timothy 2:15; 1 Corithians 6:19-20)
Lord, all that I have is yours. You know my innermost being, my words, my actions, my outward appearances, and You look at my heart. You know me, and You see me. See what I bring, and may I please You in all I think, say, and do.