Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you –James 4:8a
Lord, help us to know you and to be known by you. Share your heart with us. May I honor you as I share with those seeking you.
God Wants You
His heart is for you, and He yearns for intimate relationship with you. The lukewarmness of life is not how we were meant to live, but how often do we just let life happen to us. He tells us that He is knocking, and that when we open the door, He comes in and eats with us. If I’m not enjoying the presence of the Lord, have I actually opened the door to my life and my heart to Him? (Revelation 3: 20)
Nothing Can Stand Against You Because He is Light In You And With You
When we submit to God, nothing can stand against us. When we open that door, and dine with the Lord. When we operate alongside Him as co-heirs, we walk in His light, and darkness cannot stand in the presence of Light. It will still try to be dark. It will still attempt to deceive and create fear, but the God of Light is so much bigger. (James 4:7)
The Mere Pursuit Of God Requires Lying Down On Your Face So That You Cannot Fall
When earthquakes come, the standing fall, but those who stay flat on their face have nothing to fear. With Christ as our foundation, our house will stand. These aren’t riddles. Humility in the Lord is the key to connection with Him. If all I do is read the Bible, I miss the relationship. If the Word doesn’t point me toward relationship with the Lord, and I don’t open the door to my heart, believing that God really did raise Jesus from the dead, and I don’t declare Him as Lord over my life, yielding fully to Him, I will never know true joy and true peace. He is my hope. (1 Corinthians 3:11; John 5:39-40; Psalm 119:105; James 1:22-25; James 4:8b-10)
Lord, You are with me. I want to know You and to be known by You. I refuse to pretend you aren’t here, even now. In this moment, I open my heart and my mind to you. Renew my mind, and make me aware of your presence, as your Spirit is near.